Wherever the office goes, make work flow

ServiceNow asked us to create aspirational and disruptive animations for social media managers to reply to followers. The objective was to help our client showcase a fun, conversational tone on social media platforms and to encourage audience engagement, in addition to having their employees feel appreciated.

  • Conceptualization
  • Storyboarding
  • 3 dozen Twitter social media GIFs

Create delightful ways to respond to ServiceNow’s social media followers and provide social media managers with creative posts that are “on-brand”.

The countdown is on!

Be right back

Way to deliver

Mic drop

Let's do this!

Happy anniversary

Let it go

Fave office prank

Better together

Barretto-Co. reached deep into our bench of storytellers—inviting writers, motion animators, designers, illustrators and videographers to play in the sandbox with us and create a body of “feel good” social media responses which could be rapidly deployed by our client in a responsive manner to celebrate, acknowledge, and praise employees on their goals and accomplishments—all while remaining “on-brand”.

Recent Works

Print & Digital Magazine

University Identity & Website

Visual Identity

25+ Years of Crafting Logos

Duty. Honor. Beer.

Visual & Verbal Identity

Russian Homestyle Goodness